Friday, December 4, 2015

Getting By With Parkinson's

As my body shrinks and my abilities diminish my spirit grows stronger. Ok, so there is no cure and PD is
a progressive disease. It is going to get worse. What can I do? I’ve come up with some things.
  1. Talk to other PWP. We are our own best source of information and support. PD affects each of us differently and the meds affect each of us differently. I learned more about how to deal with PD from other PWP then I did from doctors or the web. 
  2. Advocate for yourself. Be an active participant in your treatment. Let your doctor know what works and what doesn’t. I was told to take four Mirapex a day but I only need and take one. Many PWP complain about their doctors and the medical care they receive. Demand a comprehensive treatment plan not just meds and a yearly follow up. Doctors can’t help you if you don’t talk to them.
  3. Be as physically active and socially and intellectually engaged as possible. Current research believes that new neural paths can be formed and exercise is the best way to do so. Studies show dance to be a particularly effective form of exercise to counteract the effects of PD. Dancers train for years to be able to perform complex and challenging movements. PWP need to exercise just a little every day to help offset the effects of the disease. It is simple, exercise eases the PD and dance makes me feel good.
  4. Complexity and intensity are important. I exercise 10-12 hours a week. A Parkinson’s dance class, a ballet class, a Tai Chi class, and a Zumba class. The PD dance class is great because it is designed for us and I am with people that have an in common shared understanding. Ballet is difficult. I am the worst in the class but the teacher is very gracious. Tai Chi is wonderful. I float through the exercises and Zumba is pure energy and intensity. Movement gives me a sense of joy and dance improves my confidence and balance and helps unify my body. Imagine that, people with a movement disorder can dance.
  5. Attitude. Depression. Don’t get too high it's a long way down. Don't get too low it's an even longer way up.
  6. Do not make decisions late at night. Wait for the light of day.
  7. Be careful. 
  8. I blog about PD. In order to write intelligently, I learn as much about the disease as I can. The knowledge gained also enables me, with the help of my neurologist, to cope with the disease and devise the treatment plan that works best for me.   
  9.  Be good to yourself.
The movie is Rocky. I’m Rocky and Parkinson's is Apollo Creed. It’s the early rounds. I’ve taken some hits but am fighting back with a little help from my family and friends. I am at my best when with people and the most shaky when alone. Maybe it’s a man thing but it is hard to accept that people care about me. It is time to get over my foolishness and let them help and be thankful for it. I get by with a little help from my friends. I stay high with the support of my family. Thank you.


Rochelle Kermit said...

Love you!

melypsy said...

Great advice for anyone! Thanks for sharing this with us, we care about you immensely.

Unknown said...

It is nice to get some practical tips along with your personal experiences and outlook.