To the Parkinson’s community, to all those people with Parkinson’s that I met, to those with PD that I haven’t met, to the care givers and family of those with PD, to all the friends of those with PD, to all the teachers and medical professionals who worked with us. We are the Parkinson’s community.
To those with PD that I met. Thank you for the comfort and support and knowledge you have given me. We are our own best resource. The truths I learned from you have given me the strength to go on. I listened to your stories and heard your joys and your pain. I admire you. We have danced together, and laughed together, and learned together, and shared our stories. You are my community, my brothers and sisters. I have a unique and special bond with you. Let us appreciate each other and smile a smile of recognition when we meet.
To those with PD that I haven’t met. We are in this together. When you shake I shake with you. When you fall I also fall. Your strength strengthens me. Your victories embolden me. The things we have in common unite us. We are community and in this together.
You who are partners and care givers are my heroes. You are incredible. I don’t have a care giver but I’ve witnessed the gentle loving care you rendered. I can’t thank you enough for your compassion and strength, for your kindness and patience, for your help and care. You haven’t been acknowledged enough. You can’t be thanked enough.
To the family of those with PD. I know that PD has been as hard on you as it has been on us. I’ve seen you cry when you didn’t think I was watching. I’ve tried to protect you from the worst and know you’ve given me your best. You are there for me and support me just by being there when I most need it. I am sorry for the concern and worry I cause you and thankful for the loving help and support you give me.
To the friends. Thank you for helping me on with my jacket and pouring a drink for me and giving me a helping hand to get up without embarrassing me. Thank you for continuing to include me in all things and understanding why I sometimes can’t make it. Thank you for helping me understand the meaning of having a friend.
Thank you to the teachers and workshop leaders and lecturers. Your gifts to us are beyond value and help delay the progression of the disease. I don’t have Parkinson’s when I dance and exercise with you. My mind is active and without burden during your presentations. Thank you from all those who gained so much by passing through your classes.
To the medical professionals. We need and want your help but except for a few fully dedicated doctors you are mostly not there. It is not enough to say take three of these a day and see me again in a year. We are suffering and need comprehensive treatment plans that address all aspects of the disease so we can fight PD and improve the quality of our lives. To the researchers looking for a cure thank you and may you go speedily and be successful in our time.
To those who distanced themselves and didn’t want to be involved. I understand and hold no ill feelings toward you but do not label me, define me, limit me by the word Parkinson’s. I am more than that. I think, I feel, I dance, I write poetry, I love. You missed out on an incredible trip and are less for not having journeyed. I am more.
And what of me? My goal is to get up each day and try to live as fully as possible. I am afraid of what is to come but in my better moments take joy in each day. Parkinson’s has wrecked my body but has taught me how to be a better person. Every setback leaves its shadow but my spirit grows stronger. I know and don’t know what is to come so you my community let us support each other and be as socially, intellectually, and physically engaged as possible and by the quality of our lives defeat Parkinson’s. Let us celebrate each small victory together. You are my community. You welcomed me with love and kindness. We are united and bonded by common cause.
Thank you, Peter, for your beautiful words!
A wonderful appreciation, expression of feeling ...
Thanks for a reminder of what a Praise Song really is about. Much more than making lemonade. Keep on rising above the shadows and encouraging the rest of us to do so.
Very well written. My best friend has Parkinson's and I am privileged to be on this journey through life with her.
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